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The contingent of Chilean entrepreneurs who will seek to transmit their successful solutions at COP28 in Dubai

A total of 15 Chilean companies invited by ProChile within the framework of the Business Mission, plus others that will attend on their own, will represent the country at the climate summit that is currently being held in the Middle East. Each of them wants to take advantage of the high level of attendance at the event to make their proposals known and use it as a showcase. Also see if these local solutions – from different angles – can have global reach. All entrepreneurs see the meeting as an opportunity to change things at the heart of the oil industry. Circular Market: Chile is a leader in reuse modelsAnother of the companies invited as part of the Business Mission is Mercado Circular, a Chilean brand that develops technology to eliminate single-use plastic containers and packaging throughout the chain, through sustainable refill machines. This is not the first time that Mercado Circular has attended a COP: it also attended COP26, which was held in Glasgow, Scotland, but as presenters.“Today we have a much more consolidated model and one in continuous evaluation. We started 6 years ago and have become Company B and validated our business model, going to Mexico and now having agreements with two multinational companies. We have a greater background pointing towards innovation in new developments, not only in the area of ​​cleaning,” says Carolina Carrera, Experience, Customers and Marketing Manager at Mercado Circular.  According to Carrera, Mercado Circular intends at COP28 to “continue making known our circular economy model, good for the planet but also for business. And also, as we are part of the country’s agenda, to show how startups like ours can bring solutions through different aspects: efficient water management, agricultural irrigation, nanotechnology and, in our case, reuse models.”In turn, Carolina Carrera believes it is appropriate to hold meetings with companies from the United Arab Emirates that are participating in the construction of sustainable cities, such as the previously named Masdar: “We have done a preview with some UAE retailers to offer our solutions in this cities. We have not been, but we know that these reuse business models are something new there.” For the manager, “Chile is a small country, but a benchmark in Latin America in everything that is reuse. “We want to be exporters of technologies of a new vision.” In line with the reflection of Mitzy Lagos, from Midas, Carolina Carera also believes that, beyond the criticism, we must take advantage of the experience of having a cornerstone of the oil industry as host of the summit. “I began my career as a chemical process engineer in the oil industry. I understand that if COP28 is held in Dubai it may be ironic, but this is where there is a lot of money to generate change. If they can become a hub of innovation and overthrow certain paradigms, the transition to the circular economy will occur. Of course, the global intention that exists cannot necessarily occur in the times when it is needed,” adds the Circular Market executive.

Source: País Circular